First Time Visitors

First Time Visitors FAQ's


Come as you are! No really, we mean it! If you enjoy dressing up for church on Sundays, go for it. But if you are more comfortable in shorts and flip-flops, that works here too. Some dress in a western style some dress casual. were just happy that you visit. Besides isn't it what's on the inside that counts?

Service Times... Sunday Mornings we have two services to accomodate our growing fellowship. The first starts at 9 AM the second service begins at 10:30 AM. Sunday evening service is at 5 PM with Adult bible study and chilrens church following. There is currently no Wednesday service. 

Dress Code… Just come and experience God's love, and don't worry about the way you dress.The above statement says it all.

Location… We’re located in the tan metal arena building in the 3700 block of HWY 5 in El Paso Arkansas. It doesn’t look much like a church  But that's okay. The building will be full of people whom love the Lord. 

Parking... our parking lot is well maintained but its dirt. We have no lines painted yet we manage to park in a neat orderly fashion. Find a spot and come on it!

Entrance… The two main entrances to the church are on the East and West sides of the building.

Style… Well, you might have to decide for yourself. Our worship music is western and/or southern gospel, sometimes we’ll change things up a little but we usually hold close to our western heritage.  The Bible is an ever-present element in our gatherings, so bring it if you’ve got one be it paper or computer tablet. Overall, the environment is casual

Will you make me stand up and be recognized as a first time visitor?... No

What about my kids?... Bring them with you. We are in the process of providing a nursery for those who need but arent there yet. Kids are welcome to sit with their parents. Childrens church is on Sunday evenings immediately after the Evening adult service. Usually begins at 6:15 PM.

But I'm not a cowboy...  Many of us that attend arent either so you will fit right in.